Lost And Found Inquiry Form

This page is only for inquiry regarding Lost items at Kansai International Airport.
contact page.

Fill in the fields and then click the "Next" button.

Name required First name
Last Name/Family Name
Email address required
Contact phone number
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Are you the owner of the lost item? required
The date the item was lost required
* Please select Year/Month/Date
Location of the item lost required * Multiple answers possible
Detailed description for the location of item lost required * Maximum number of characters is 256
Description of item lost required * Maximum number of characters is 512
Additional item details required 【Example】" Navy, Nylon, Zipper type, ○○ is written, inside is ●●"
* Please include specific details such as the contents, brand, size, serial or model numbers, personal information written on or any other information that may help us identify your lost item. * Maximum number of characters is 1024
* If you lost cash, please state the amount
Attach data file Please attach any reference photos of item lost.
*Available: jpg, gif, png, PDF
Purpose of your visit to the airport * Multiple answers possible
Flight number
For return method if your belongings was found required * About "Personal Pickup": Pickup must be made within 2 weeks from when the item was lost. * About "Shipping": NO International/Overseas Shipping

By submitting an inquiry you are deemed to have provided your consent to the use of your name and email to update you on your inquiry.
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